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Gallatin County Commission Meeting Minutes June 9, 2009
Description Gallatin County Commissioners' Journal No. 51 June 9, 2009
Date 06/09/2009 Location County Commission
Time Speaker Note
9:01:40 AM Chairman White  Call to Order, Moment of Silence, Pledge of Allegiance. Present were Commissioners Skinner, Murdock, and White, Deputy County Attorney Jecyn Bremer and Acting Clerk to the Board Melissa Rivnie.
9:02:26 AM Chairman White  Announcement: Reminder to the public that the meeting is being recorded, televised live by Bresnan Communcations, and streamed over the internet.
9:02:49 AM Chairman White  There was no public comment on any matters within the Commission's jurisdiction.
9:03:10 AM Acting Clerk to the Board Melissa Rivnie Read the consent agenda as follows: 1. Approval of Claims; 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes from May 26, 2009; 3. Approval of Contracts: Roen, Inc. to Collect Public Land Survey Corners for Adjustment of the Geographic Control Point Database; FAA Transfer of Entitlements from Pogreba Field to Deer Lodge City/County Airport; 4. Decision on Final Plat Application for Amended Plat of Lot 20E, Amended Plat of Lot 20A and 20B of the Amended Plat of Lot 20, of Hyalite Foothills Subdivision No. 1 Subdivision; and 5. Decision of Final Plat Approval for the Logterman Minor Subdivision.
9:04:13 AM   There was no public comment.
9:04:23 AM Commissioner Skinner Move to approve the consent agenda as read into record.
9:04:27 AM Commissioner Murdock Second
9:04:31 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:04:36 AM Chairman White  Public Hearing and Decision on a Bid Award for Chip Seal Project on Various County-Maintained Roads
9:04:51 AM Road and Bridge Superintendent Lee Provance Recommends awarding the bid to Knife River, Inc. for $621,752.00. Noted that Big Sky Asphalt was low bidder. Due to miscalculation they withdrew.
9:05:29 AM   Discussion between the Commission and Deputy County Attorney Jecyn Bremer
9:05:52 AM   There was no public comment.
9:06:03 AM Commissioner Skinner I'll move to, that we award the 2009 Chip Seal Contract to Knife River of Belgrade for the total of $621,752.00.
9:06:16 AM Commissioner Murdock Second
9:06:19 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:06:49 AM Chairman White  Public Hearing and Decision on a Bid Award Recommendation to Proceed with Awarding a Contract for the Sheriff's Mobile Command Vehicle
9:07:07 AM Procurement Manager Nick Borzak Recommends awarding the bid to Nomad Technologies for $257,981.87
9:08:05 AM   There was no public comment.
9:08:23 AM   Discussion between the Commission and Nick Borzak
9:09:02 AM Commissioner Skinner I'll move to accept the bid from Nomad Technologies and enter into a contract to design & build this command vehicle for their bid award price of $257,981.87.
9:09:18 AM Commissioner Murdock Second
9:09:24 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:09:31 AM Chairman White  Public Hearing and Decision on a Bid Award Recommendation to Proceed with Awarding a Contract for 911 Communications Building Security System
9:09:45 AM Grants Administrator Larry Watson Recommends awarding the bid to Security Solutions, Inc for $43,542.50
9:10:25 AM   Discussion and Questions
9:10:50 AM   There was no public comment.
9:10:56 AM Commissioner Murdock Based on the recommendation of Larry Watson, I move that we award this bid to Security Solutions in the amount of $43,542.50 as the lowest responsible bidder.
9:11:13 AM Commissioner Skinner Second
9:11:18 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:11:25 AM Chairman White  Board Appointment
9:11:29 AM Chairman White  Mental Health Local Advisory Council
9:11:51 AM   There was no public comment.
9:11:57 AM Commissioner Murdock Eric (Bryson) has been attending the last at least 3, maybe 4, LAC Meetings, he'll be an active participant, I welcome the City of Bozeman sitting in on those and would move to appoint him to that position.
9:12:13 AM Commissioner Skinner Second
9:12:17 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:12:25 AM Chairman White  Receipt of Petition to Abandon a Portion of Pine Butte Road
9:12:32 AM Clerk and Recorder Charlotte Mills Presentation
9:13:27 AM   Discussion and Questions
9:13:39 AM   There was no public comment.
9:13:48 AM Commissioner Skinner I would move to receive the petition that Charlotte recommended to us and to appoint a viewing committee of Commissioner White and Clerk & Recorder Mills.
9:14:02 AM Commissioner Murdock Second
9:14:05 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:14:12 AM Chairman White  Public Hearing and Decision on a Family Transfer Exemption from Subdivision Review for Brainard
9:14:21 AM County Planner Ada Montague Staff Report
9:15:43 AM   Discussion and Questions
9:16:16 AM Edwin D. Brainard Sworn in by Deputy County Attorney Jecyn Bremer and testified under oath.
9:19:30 AM   There was no public comment.
9:19:38 AM   Board Discussion/Findings
9:20:11 AM Commissioner Skinner I'll move to approve.
9:20:13 AM Commissioner Murdock Second
9:20:15 AM   Board Discussion/Findings
9:20:25 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:20:35 AM Chairman White  Public Hearing and Decision on a Family Transfer Exemption from Subdivision Review for Anderson
9:20:59 AM County Planner Ada Montague Staff Report; submitted e-mail exchange between Rob Galanis and County Attorney Marty Lambert labeled Exhibit A, Item #7
9:26:19 AM   Discussion between the Commission, Ada Montague, and Deputy County Attorney Jecyn Bremer
9:28:51 AM Scott Anderson Sworn in by Deputy County Attorney Jecyn Bremer and testified under oath.
9:33:39 AM County Planner Ada Montague Comments
9:33:52 AM Scott Anderson Testimony resumes.
9:34:29 AM   There was no public comment.
9:34:39 AM   Board Discussion including Ada Montague
9:41:20 AM Commissioner Murdock I would move that we deny this family transfer request and encourage the parties to go through subdivision review.
9:41:30 AM Commissioner Skinner Second
9:41:33 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:41:42 AM Chairman White  Public Hearing and Decision on a Request for Preliminary Plat Approval for the Amended Plat of Lot 41A, Amended Plat of Lot J-3-T of Hyalite Foothills Subdivision No 1. Subdivision
9:42:29 AM County Planner Tom Rogers Staff Report; submitted letter from John Fellerhoff labeled Exhibit A, Item #8 and letter from Harriet Taylor & Mark Tokarski labeled Exhibit B, Item #8
9:47:20 AM   Discussion between the Commission, Deputy County Attorney Jecyn Bremer, and Tom Rogers, noted in Staff Findings where conditions were references that they should all be changed by adding two (ie. condition 7 should be condition 9).
9:54:32 AM Wayne Peterson Applicant Presentation
9:55:54 AM Monica Johnson, Engineer, Madison Engineering Presentation on behalf of applicant Wayne Peterson
9:58:24 AM County Planner Tom Rogers Comments, noted same issue with reference to conditions under Criteria for County Commission Review as stated above.
9:59:02 AM   There was no public comment.
9:59:10 AM   Board Discussion including Jecyn Bremer, Monica Johnson, and Tom Rogers
10:04:12 AM Commissioner Murdock I move that we approve this one lot minor subdivision subject to all the conditions and the new condition that we've discussed.
10:04:23 AM Commissioner Skinner Second
10:04:29 AM   Board Discussion/Findings including Jecyn Bremer and Tom Rogers. New condition shall read as follows: Prior to final plat approval, if applicable, documentation to the availability of water rights for the private irrigation ditch that crosses Lot 41A shall be provided.
10:12:26 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
10:12:36 AM Chairman White  Public Hearing and Decision Regarding a One-Year Extension of Preliminary Plat for the Robinson Minor Subdivision (Item Continued to June 16, 2009)
10:13:03 AM   No Action Taken.
10:13:08 AM Chairman White  Public Hearing and Decision on a Second Reading of a Speed Limit Ordinance of Mill Street
10:13:48 AM Chairman White  Summarized ordinance.
10:14:31 AM   There was no public comment.
10:14:45 AM Commissioner Skinner Move to approve Ordinance #2009-003.
10:14:49 AM Commissioner Murdock Second
10:14:56 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
10:15:29 AM Chairman White  Presentation of FY 2010 Departmental Budget Requests
10:15:38 AM Finance Director Ed Blackman Presentation
10:21:40 AM   There was no public comment.
10:21:48 AM   No Action Taken.
10:23:45 AM Chairman White  Public Hearing and Decision on a Resolution of the Gallatin County Commission Changing the Established Time of the Regular Public Meetings
10:24:03 AM Commissioner Murdock Summarized resolution.
10:24:51 AM   Board Discussion
10:25:19 AM Commissioner Skinner Move to approve Resolution #2009-079.
10:25:23 AM Commissioner Murdock Second
10:25:28 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
10:25:32 AM   Meeting Adjourned.